Sunday, July 3, 2011

Three Classy Players.

Congratulations to Joe Nieuwendyk, Mark Howe and Doug Gilmour on their induction to the Hockey Hall of Fame.

I have a hard time thinking of three guys with more heart, who played longer at a higher level in the NHL.

Sadly, the NHL also chose to honor an obvious steroid junkie who, in the middle of an up and down NHL career, was arrested for chasing a woman through a hotel and offered to bribe the police with money he allegedly made selling his own autographed junk on eBay.

In a real Kenny Powers moment, the NHL welcomes Ed Belfour into the Hall of Fame. Next year the league may continue to wonder why its ladies' room lines keep getting shorter. Fittingly, no ladies were inducted into hockey's hallowed hall in this year's class.

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